Sunday 16 January 2011

Religious Freedom Day - 16th January 2011

The Pilgrim Founders reached the shores of Plymouth in search of a new beginning for their lives and for the generations to come in the area of religious freedom. They sailed to the New World in order to put an end to intimidation, oppression and persecution because of their religious beliefs.
Today, Sunday the 16th January, is once again Religious Freedom Day in the States by proclamation of the present American President, Barack Obama.
The fundamental principle of religious freedom is enshrined in the Constitution's First Amendment.
Here is an excerpt from the President´s Proclamation on the 14th January:

"The writ of the Founding Fathers has upheld the ability of Americans to worship and practice religion as they choose, including the right to believe in no religion at all. However, these liberties are not self-sustaining, and require a stalwart commitment by each generation to preserve and apply them. Throughout our Nation's history, our founding ideal of religious freedom has served as an example to the world.

"Though our Nation has sometimes fallen short of the weighty task of ensuring freedom of religious expression and practice, we have remained a Nation in which people of different faiths coexist with mutual respect and equality under the law. America's unshakeable commitment to religious freedom binds us together as a people, and the strength of our values underpins a country that is tolerant, just, and strong.

"My Administration continues to defend the cause of religious freedom in the United States and around the world. At home, we vigorously protect the civil rights of Americans, regardless of their religious beliefs."

Religious Freedom Day
Religious Freedom Day

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